The wine region at Lake Balaton, especially the region known for the white wines is deservedly favoured by many. Who whouldn’t want to clink glasses with a glass of ice cold spritzer, wine or even champagne on the most beautiful wine terraces of the region? We now present our favourite places where you are guaranteed to have an unforgettable experience and where you can also pay by bank card.
Folly Arborétum és Borászat (Folly Arboretum and Winery) – Badacsonyörs
An entire set of experiences await every visitor here, since you can not only drink wine and eat at the Folly Arboretum but you may also wander around this fantastic, lush arboretum where you may discover cedars and cypresses. The Folly family has been producing grapes in 7 hectares for generations. Lake Balaton Gastro Map tip: Kéknyelű 2018
Homola Borterasz (Homola Wine Terrace) – Paloznak
Wonderful panorama reaching out up to Tihany, solar sails, picnic feeling, parties with a DJ in the vineyard, 100 % Balaton and Homola products – everybody can have a good time on the Homola Wine Terrace from small children to adults. Lake Balaton Gastro Map tip: Homola Hajnóczy Olaszrizling (Homola Hajnóczy Italian Riesling) 2017
Kreinbacher Birtok (Kreinbacher Estate) – Somló
Somló Hill has a unique terroir, it is absolutely worth visiting our country’s smallest historic wine region and sign up for a taste in the Kreinbacher Estate where the wine, the food and the architecture offer you a special experience. Lake Balaton Gastro Map tip: Kreinbacher Somlói Juhfark Selection 2017
Kristinus Borbirtok (Kristinus Wine Estate) – Kéthely
One of the most exciting destinations of the southern shore is the Kristinus Estate where they cultivate the vineyards in a sustainable manner and where unique wines are produced. The Kristinus Gastro Place operating near the winery offers an ideal meeting point and it constitutes a wine bar and a special culinary experience at the same time. Lake Balaton Gastro Map tip: Kristinus Petnat 2019
Skizo Borászat (Skizo Winery) – Sike Balázs Pincéje (The Wine Cellar of Balázs Sike) – Badacsonytördemic
In the wine cellar of Balázs Sike, unique, strong structured wines are produced with the typical characteristics of the terroir of the Badacsony wine region. If we are looking for lighter wines, then let us choose from the Skizo wines, whereas if we wish for a more complex experience, then we offer you the selection of Balázs Sike. We may rest in the garden of their wine cellar in Badacsonytördemic, feeling as time has stopped and have a pleasant conversation while sipping our wine. Lake Balaton Gastro Map tip: Sike Balázs Zeus 2019
+ 1 Kányaváry Birtok (Kányaváry Estate) – Zalaszabar – Kis-balaton régió (Kis-Balaton Region)
The Kis-Balaton region is a great outlook and a change of venue near Lake Balaton where the Kányaváry Estate is located. Endless panorama, pleasant terrace, chirping of birds and calmness awaits us. It is highly recommended to also visit their mini festival called Bor.Zene.Zala (Wine.Music.Zala). Lake Balaton Gastro Map tip: Kányaváry Fortély 2018
Support the domestic gastronomy also at Lake Balaton and pay by your Mastercard ®!